To Adventures
I was electrocuted at age 6, When I woke up, it felt like when Peter Parker was stung by a spider. That would be the time I discovered the beauty of life and how nature works. I knew I wanted to live life to the fullest and make huge impact not… famous but adding enormous value to this world, I do that through design and my everyday activity. I’m a delightful mix of curiosity and quirkiness! Whether I’m trying to perfect a recipe that suspiciously resembles chaos in a pot, or convincing myself that “just one more episode” is a good idea at 2 a.m., I bring a sense of fun to everything I do.
In my free time, teach people about design via local NGOs, I speak about business and technology in spaces, I play alot of board and video games.

Game performance
Babysitting nieces

Serious Stuff

Products I have touched